SticknStay Sensory Activity Center (formerly Tra-Pla)
SticknStay Sensory Activity Center (formerly Tra-Pla)

"Stick 'n Stay" (formerly Tra-Pla) Sensory Activity Center

Designed and produced by
Sew Special Creations
524 Barbara Jean St
Hewitt, TX 76643

You no longer have to leave the low vision, learning disabled child in a chair with a hard, slick tray with nothing to stimulate the learning process.. "Stick 'n Stay" Sensory Activity Center is a durable cover with a loop (velcro like) grid made to fit trays for positioning chairs, wheelchairs and standers made by Rifton, Invacare and Freedom Designs
The kit includes the following:

3 - "Stick 'n Stay" covers,
     1 - Heavy duty cotton blend fabric, machine wash and dry
     1 - Treated cotton canvas that is water proof and can be wiped clean
     1 - Clear vinyl cover that can be used over the cloth covers when a child is fed or for activities involving clay or paint.

     The covers have gromet holes that allows items of your choice to be attached by tying to the covers.

Plus the following sensory activity overlay panels with hook tape (velcro like) to hold them in place::

   8 Textures of different fabrics (fabrics will vary in texture and color)
   Clear card/picture schedules holder with 8 pockets
   Buttons/zipper/hook&loop tape, and other sensory objects
   Grooming - vinyl covered panel with elastic band to hold hair brush, tooth brush, tooth paste, hand cream, etc in place.

Two pockets, one is plastic lined to be used for snacks and one has elastic cord to tie objects in the pocket. Both have flaps with hook and loop tape fastener.

Four wood blocks and 18 inches of adhesive backed hook tape (velcro like) to apply to back of a book or toys

Kit comes packaged in a clear plastic storage container and lid with handle.

Price of Each Kit is $125.00 plus $15.00 shipping and handling. This price may change to reflect new material cost. An overlay panel with four textured shapes (square, circle, rectangle, and triangle) now available for additional $15.00.

To order or ask questions: Contact Billie Frayer at 254-666-1203 or e-mail at

Thank you for visiting my Web Site. Please visit again as new items will be offered as they become available..

Stick 'n Stay , Stick 'n Stay, Stick 'n Stay, Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay Stick 'n Stay, Tra-Pla, Pla-Tra, Sew Special Creations, Sew Special, Billy Frayer, Pla-Tra Sensory Learning Center Kit, blind aids, vision impaired, disabled, handicapped, teaching aid, special needsStick 'n Stay, Tra-Pla, Pla-Tra, Sew Special Creations, Sew Special, Billy Frayer, Pla-Tra Sensory Learning Center Kit, blind aids, vision impaired, disabled, handicapped, teaching aid, special needs Stick 'n Stay, Tra-Pla, Pla-Tra, Sew Special Creations, Sew Special, Billy Frayer, Pla-Tra Sensory Learning Center Kit, blind aids, vision impaired, disabled, handicapped, teaching aid, special needs Stick 'n Stay, Tra-Pla, Pla-Tra, Sew Special Creations, Sew Special, Billy Frayer, Pla-Tra Sensory Learning Center Kit, blind aids, vision impaired, disabled, handicapped, teaching aid, special needs Stick 'n Stay, Tra-Pla, Pla-Tra, Sew Special Creations, Sew Special, Billy Frayer, Pla-Tra Sensory Learning Center Kit, blind aids, vision impaired, disabled, handicapped, teaching aid, special needs Stick 'n Stay, Tra-Pla, Pla-Tra, Sew Special Creations, Sew Special, Billy Frayer, Pla-Tra Sensory Learning Center Kit, blind aids, vision impaired, disabled, handicapped, teaching aid, special needs Stick 'n Stay, Tra-Pla, Pla-Tra, Sew Special Creations, Sew Special, Billy Frayer, Pla-Tra Sensory Learning Center Kit, blind aids, vision impaired, disabled, handicapped, teaching aid, special needs Stick 'n Stay, Tra-Pla, Pla-Tra, Sew Special Creations, Sew Special, Billy Frayer, Pla-Tra Sensory Learning Center Kit, blind aids, vision impaired, disabled, handicapped, teaching aid, special needs